Help SectionUsing a Backpage accountANSWERThe BP Auto Poster has the ability to post each ad after logging into your Backpage account(s). This means the ad will actually post to your account which can be useful for many purposes. If You wanted your ads to post to a Backpage account you would simply put this into the bottom of your Ad Description:
!login{username|password} Obviously, you would replace 'username' and 'password' with your Backpage username and password. Another cool trick is t post with MULTIPLE Backpage accounts and have the software rotate through you Backpage accounts. Putting this will rotate between my 4 Backpage accounts(you can use as many as you like in this example): !rotate{ !login{username1|password1} | !login{username2|password2} | !login{username3|password3} | !login{username4|password4} } *NOTE* When posting directly through a Backpage account, the status of your ad in the Ad Manager will say "waiting for email". This is because when you are posting through a Backpage account, there is no email sent to publish your ads because Backpage skips that step if you are logged into an account. Category