Help SectionAuto Scheduler
The auto-scheduler is to schedule a posting time for your campaigns. You can schedule to have just one or multiple campaigns posted repeatedly at a different time/day under settings tab or you can schedule to have all of your ads posted at a certain time/day under Post tab.
Scheduling a campaign(s) at specified time. We do these steps: 1. Go to the scheduler module which is on the SETTINGS tab. 2. Select your campaign to post from the "Name" drop-down menu. 3. Click on the "Start Time" drop-down arrow. A calendar will pop-up. We then click on August 24th if you want to schedule a campaign to run at this day. 4. Then we must edit our starting time to 9:30am, as an example. To do this, click the mouse inside the "Start Time" box. You change the start time hour by clicking on the hour time and using the up/down arrows on your Keyboard to increase or decrease the hour time. This is the same for changing the minutes time. For change from AM to PM(or vice versa) you simply click on AM/PM and use the up arrow to switch it. 5. Make sure that "Run only once" is NOT CHECKED to post periodically (or check it if you'd like Non-recurring post) and then click "Add". Your scheduler settings are now saved in the scheduler table. Change the default 24-hours posting interval in the scheduler table for the campaign you added if you'd like post periodically at predefined interval (you can also use keywords here, to generate random interval). 6. Once your campaign is in the Scheduler box, go to the POST Tab of the software and click "Schedule Post" (make sure that "All" checkbox is not checked in Scheduler section under Post tab, otherwise simple timer under Post tab will be used instead of scheduler table under settings tab). Your campaign will now post automatically tomorrow at 9:30am. For a screenshot of this setup click here. Some Notes: 1. Press "Stop" button to stop the Scheduler. 2. You can check 'Sleep/Wakup PC' checkbox to make your PC sleep when the program is idle and wakeup when it must post (enable also Windows wake timers) . Otherwise your computer MUST remain on for the scheduling to work and the program MUST remain running. 3. If you have scheduling all setup and then for some reason you have to close the program or your computer restarts then just open up the software again and hit the "Schedule Post" button again on the POST tab. ***If the start date has already past, and you "Schedule Post" then the software will automatically add the interval(days/hour/min) to the start time until it is in the future. For example, if my scheduling start date was 2 days ago and I have "3" in the days interval, then the software would add 3 days to the start date which would then be tomorrow (2 days ago PLUS 3 days).*** 4. If you want to simply POST ALL campaigns in the scheduler in 2 hours from now (for example), then simply select the schedule "ALL" checkbox on the POST Tab and then put in "2" for the HOURS(h) box above the "Schedule Post" button and then click "Schedule Post" button. For a screenshot of this, click here. 5. Report and window title must say something like "1 hour till next posting” when you are using scheduler. 6. You should edit campaign column to change start time if you need to change it after you have your campaign added into the scheduler table. Set correct start date/time inside !s{} keyword (double click on the long cell in the campaign columnt to edit). You can use !del{} or !renew{} keywords there to make it delete/repost on schedule. , click here 7. Select row by clicking on grey field (the whole row must be selected) and press delete button on the keyboard to delete a campaign once it was added to scheduler. 8. Scheduler can skip posting if you set "Post only" optional restrictions in the Scheduler section before adding your campaign. It will skip posting a campaign every time the posting time is not within "Post only" interval settings of this campaign. For example, if you selected the times 8am - 8pm and start time 2pm before adding campaign into schedule table and have this campaign running every 4 hours, that means it will automatically post at 2pm, at 6pm, 10 am, 2pm, etc. It doesn’t matter for scheduling what is in the post only section, it does matter only before adding a new campaign. 9. Campaign can be skipped (not queued) if time conflict. If you already own the base software then you can order this addon directly. ![]()